Ukraine Update
Dear Brothers, Please see an update on the situation in Ukraine related to the saints who are still in the country. A number of saints, mainly sisters……
Dear Brothers, Please see an update on the situation in Ukraine related to the saints who are still in the country. A number of saints, mainly sisters……
亲爱的弟兄们主里平安: 没想到到了欧洲才两个月,就遇上欧洲本土上自二次世界大战以来,最大规模的战争。十天以来超过150万乌克兰的难民涌入东欧国家,如波兰、罗马尼亚、匈牙利、斯洛伐克…等国家。对于这突如其来世界局势的剧变,觉得应该做一些报导,与弟兄们有交通,一同寻求主,如何在这样的局势里与主同工: 壹……
UK & Ireland online blending conference (28-29 August) The UK and Ireland blending conference will take place online on 28-29 August. Further deta……
UK & Ireland online blending conference (28-29 August) The UK and Ireland blending conference will take place online on 28-29 August. Further det……
FTTL autumn term begins (16 August) Please pray for the Lord’s blessing on the autumn (fall) term of the full-time training in London (FTTL). Pray tha……